Where God’s Spirit is given space to change lives.

All Are Welcome

Fully Inclusive

At Hollywood Adventist Church, “Where God’s Spirit is given space to change lives,” we are committed to the ongoing work of making that space fully inclusive. God’s love is broader and deeper than we can fathom. Fellowship and membership in His church should, likewise, be open and generous.

Diverse Community

The redemptive power of Christ’s love extends to everyone regardless of age, race, class, sexual or gender identity. We embrace the challenge of being a diverse community, which encourages dialogue and welcomes questions, as we continue to identify the ways God is at work in all of our lives.

A Foretaste of the Kingdom

We believe this will ultimately enrich us and be a witness for and a foretaste of the kingdom God intends to establish in the earth made new. All are welcome in our church.


Our Values

Where is God?

The Spirit of God is among the people of God. God’s future is among God’s people. God frequently shows up in the seemingly God-forsaken places. The church should be a community of God’s missionary people living as a demonstration of what God plans to do in and for all creation in Jesus Christ.

What is the Church?

We are committed to being a church that follows God in the way of Jesus, is shaped by the Bible, welcomes and accepts people of all backgrounds and stations in life, expresses the beauty of God’s character through a multicultural and multigenerational community, is open to the leading of God’s Spirit, and is a sign, witness, and foretaste of the reign of God.


We Believe…

  • In the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit

  • Jesus became a human being, died for our sins, was raised the third day, ascended to the heavens, there to make intercession for us always

  • The gospel—the good news that through Jesus, God’s kingdom is now—and that all who believe may enter and find life.

  • That Christianity is a life of learning from Jesus how to live in His kingdom and that He lays claim to 100% of all we are and possess.

  • That the church is the community of God’s people called to bear witness to the gospel.

  • Spiritual gifts equip the people of God and edify the Body of Christ

  • That the Holy Scriptures are the inspired word of God and guide the church in its witness.

  • That the seventh-day Sabbath is holy time and God’s signature upon creation and redemption.

  • In the literal, personal and soon coming of Christ

  • That humanity by nature is mortal and eternal life is a gift of God through Christ.

  • In the glorious resurrection of the righteous dead at the second coming of Christ where everything will be made new and sin will be no more

  • Our bodies are the temple of God’s Spirit and should be treated as such.

  • That the Christian life should be characterized by simplicity and modesty and that our wealth spent to alleviate the suffering of the poor and needy.

A Global Church